The Origins Of International Cat Day

International Cat Day: Celebrating Our Feline Friends

The Origins of International Cat Day

International Cat Day is a special annual event that falls on August 8th. It was established in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to raise awareness about the welfare of cats and to encourage responsible cat ownership.

International Cat Care as Custodians of the Day

Effective August 3, 2020, the leading cat welfare charity International Cat Care became the custodians of International Cat Day. This organization is dedicated to providing expert advice and resources on feline health, welfare, and behavior.

A Global Celebration

International Cat Day is a global event that unites cat lovers across the world. It is a day to celebrate the unique bond we share with our feline companions and to promote their well-being.

With an estimated 600 million cats worldwide, International Cat Day is a significant occasion that recognizes the vital role these animals play in our lives.

A 24-Hour Celebration

International Cat Day is a complete 24-hour celebration of humanity's cutest and most cherished pets. Throughout the day, cat lovers around the world host events, share stories, and pamper their feline friends.

Whether it's through adoption campaigns, fundraising drives, or simply spending quality time with your furry companion, International Cat Day is an opportunity to show our appreciation for these incredible creatures.

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